Our History

We first opened our doors in Omotesando, Tokyo in 2016 with the unique vision to offer discerning families access to a culturally rich international education. Working closely with the prestigious British royal founding charity — Children & The Arts (CATA) in the United Kingdom, founded by HRH the Prince of Wales in 2006 — we wanted to play our part in exposing children to the arts in Japan.

Our Mission

From our very beginnings, our mission as a school has been to nurture imagination through the power of the arts. Our curriculum exposes children to a rich variety of art forms including music, theatre, poetry, dance and storytelling. The arts give children three gifts: a connection to the golden grains of the past, an appreciation of the everlasting present, and an inspiring torch to light the path towards the future through imagination, a search for meaning, and a sense of purpose.

Our Ethos

The Early Years is a crucially important, and very special time in a child’s life. Our dedicated staff team goes above and beyond to ensure that every child has the best possible start to their education career. At Clarence, we believe it is a pleasure and a privilege to be part of your child’s life at this pivotal moment.

Message from
the Head of School


Claire Fletcher

Welcome to Clarence International School, I am delighted that you are interested in becoming part of our growing community! At CIS, we believe passionately in the importance of high quality preschool education and understand the incredible impact that this can have on a child’s future.

The Early Years is a truly special time where discoveries are made daily and every experience is new and exciting. We pride ourselves in being able to support children on every step of this journey. Our dedicated team provides exceptional care alongside a curriculum that is designed to inspire curiosity, creativity and expression.

To learn more about our unique approach to learning, join us for a school tour. I look forward to meeting you and your family soon.

Message from the head of school

About the Team

In the classroom, our staff provide pupils with the guidance, care and direction they require to grow and develop, not just academically and physically, but also emotionally. Our team of teachers and assistant teachers provide a positive and nurturing learning environment to foster the best growth in our pupils. When children feel safe, happy and cared for, they are willing to take the risks required to learn in the best ways possible!

At Clarence, we also believe that within a school community, learning is not limited to pupils. As part of a holistic learning community, our teachers are provided with ongoing professional training which further enhances their knowledge, teaching and assessment skills.


Senior Leadership Team

  • Claire Fletcher
    Claire Fletcher

    Head of Pre-Prep

  • Adam Platten
    Adam Platten

    Assistant Head of Pre-Prep

Class Teachers

  • Sally Yep
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    Sally Yep

    Teacher - Rainbow

  • Mitchelle Lovitos
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    Mitchelle Lovitos

    Teaching Assistant - Rainbow

  • Yuna Nakashima
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    Yuna Nakashima

    Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Rainbow

  • Sarah Ramlan
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    Sarah Ramlan

    Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Sunshine

  • Oliwia Ziarkowska
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    Oliwia Ziarkowska

    Teacher - Blue Sky

  • Mary Sayson
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    Mary Sayson

    Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Blue Sky

  • Alice Pearson
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    Alice Pearson

    Teacher - Little Stars

  • Marites Takahashi
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    Marites Takahashi

    Teaching Assistant - Little Stars

  • Masami Maruyama
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    Masami Maruyama

    Higher Level Teaching Assistant - Little Stars

  • Rebecca Robinson
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    Rebecca Robinson

    Teacher - Tiny Stars

  • John Memije
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    John Memije

    Assistant Teacher - Tiny Stars

  • Tracy Memije
    Tracy Memije

    Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Administration Team

  • Mami Kawasaki
    Mami Kawasaki

    Operations Manager

  • Jasmine Yamane
    Jasmine Yamane

    Senior Administrator

Future schools

A Clarence education is designed to provide your child with excellent foundations to prepare them for any future path they may take. As a school we offer guidance and support to all parents, helping our families through the process of selecting and applying for Primary school.

See supported schools below.

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